Current Situation for Social Workers/Case Manager and Case Loads
Social Worker/Case Manager Stats
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the average hourly wage for Healthcare Social Workers is approximately $30 per hour.

Case Load = Case Overload
A 2017 study by TCS Healthcare Technologies states
Case managers working in provider settings (behavioral health facilities, home care, hospital or health systems, medical group/clinic settings, retail clinics, skilled nursing, or long-term care facilities) consistently reported having an average caseload of 25-49 cases.
Social Worker/Case Manager Burnout
When looking at the average wage and taking into account the very high caseload, it is no wonder that Social Workers and Case Managers have such a high burnout rate. Averaging between 23-35% within the first 12-24 months on the job.

Even if a Social Workers and/or Case Managers spent as few as 15 minutes on each patient, that would equate to spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on labor costs per caseload. The reality is each case takes significantly more time, meaning the cost equation gets more and more expensive.
This model is antiquated, but a solution exists that would provide access to a system that helps these healthcare professionals.
The Community Initiative (TCI) provides our proprietary software, which we call CaseEZ.
The software is a time saving tool, it links program availability through a software interface to find and align patients with the most appropriate level of care more accurately and quickly.
CaseEZ will also help link patients to community resources according to their geographical location (i.e., city, county, state) while assessing financial status for appropriate referral placement. In addition to placement assistance and search functionality, the tool helps case management and social work consider alternative solutions that perhaps are overlooked through normal operations.
CaseEZ is the Solution
The Community Initiative is an innovative technology platform that will enhance the patient experience and at the same time create a seamless system in which case management and social work can find proper placement and auxiliary services for all the patients in one place in a matter of minutes, not hours.
This proprietary software called CaseEZ will be available for subscription use in late 2022 or early 2023.

Streamline Discharge Process & Save Money
CaseEZ not only streamlines the discharge process for the case management team, but it also provides a tied-up discharge package that helps patients, and their family members navigate their next steps post hospital admission.

PDF Repository
CaseEZ also has a large PDF repository which has hundreds of ready to use Social Work and Case Manager tools. Plus the ability to send in and save your PDF documents in one place for easy access and use. No longer need to carry a large binder of PDF copies to give out. Upload and store your tools in CaseEZ.

Management Portal
CaseEZ has a management portal, which tracks time, placements, utilization, and other key performance indicators to ensure staff are utilizing available tools to the fullest extent.
Additionally, CaseEZ can be used through our application in the iOS and Androids markets and give real time dashboards for leadership to track usage and placements.
How much could you save with CaseEZ?
On average when a Case Manager or Social Worker uses CaseEZ, we can save you 50% of your time in searching for discharge or placement of a patient. Which translates into hundreds of dollars saved. Not to mention getting up to 50% of your day back to spend with patients and not behind a screen or deep into your paper resources.
Future Enhancements
CaseEZ helps identify resources and community ancillary services, but also provides API interface between partnered clients to quickly identify placement assistance into these locations. Just knowing whether a resource exists is one thing, but knowing it exists and having immediate access to bed availability is a true game changer.

Schedule a Demo Today
About The Community Initiative
- Your Patients- Their Concerns- Our Solution
- Treating Each Patient As A Priority
- Do The Right Thing
The Community Initiative is an innovative technology platform that will enhance the patient experience and at the same time create a seamless system in which case management and social work can find proper placement and auxiliary services for all the patients in one place in a matter of minutes, not hours.
This proprietary software will be available for subscription use in late 2022 or early 2023.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the average hourly wage for Healthcare Social Workers is approximately $30 per hour.
A 2017 study by TCS Healthcare Technologies says, “Case managers working in provider settings (behavioral health facilities, home care, hospital or health systems, medical group/clinic settings, retail clinics, skilled nursing, or long-term care facilities) consistently reported having an average caseload of 25-49 cases.”.
When looking at the average wage and taking into account the very high caseload, it is no wonder that Social Workers and Case Managers have such a high burnout rate, which we see as averaging between 23-35% within the first 12-24 months on the job.
Even if a Social Workers and/or Case Managers spent as few as 15 minutes on each patient, that would equate to spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on labor costs per caseload. The reality is each case takes significantly more time, meaning the cost equation gets more and more expensive.
This model is antiquated, but a solution exists that would provide access to a system that helps these healthcare professionals. The Community Initiative (TCI) provides our proprietary software, which we call CaseEZ. The software is a time saving tool, it links program availability through a software interface to find and align patients with the most appropriate level of care more accurately and quickly. CaseEZ will also help link patients to community resources according to their geographical location (i.e., city, county, state) while assessing financial status for appropriate referral placement. In addition to placement assistance and search functionality, the tool helps case management and social work consider alternative solutions that perhaps are overlooked through normal operations.
CaseEZ not only streamlines the discharge process for the case management team, but it also provides a tied-up discharge package that helps patients, and their family members navigate their next steps post hospital admission.
CaseEZ also has a large PDF repository that has hundreds of ready to use Social Work and Case Manager tools, plus the ability to send in and save your PDF documents in one place for easy access and use. You no longer need to carry a large binder of PDF copies to give out. Upload and store your tools in CaseEZ.
In the future - CaseEZ helps identify resources and community ancillary services, but also provides API interface between partnered clients to quickly identify placement assistance into these locations. Just knowing whether a resource exists is one thing, but knowing it exists and having immediate access to bed availability is a true game changer.
CaseEZ also has a management portal, which tracks time, placements, utilization, and other key performance indicators to ensure the staff are utilizing the tool to its fullest extent. Additionally, CaseEZ can be used through our application in the iOS and Androids markets and give real time dashboards for leadership to track usage and placements.
For more information about The Community Initiative or pricing please email us at
US Bureau of Labor Statistics 21-1022 Healthcare Social Workers
What Is an “Average” Caseload?
History of Us
The Community Initiative (TCI) was created in the mountains of Utah right outside of Salt Lake City. During the lockdown, due to Covid, in the Spring of 2020, was the first time in 15 years of marriage to a Social Worker, I actually paid attention to how difficult my wife’s job is. As we shared an office together for months, I noticed she spent what seemed like hundreds of hours looking for and reviewing places, services and needs for each patient she had so they could move onto the next phase of their treatment. I quickly noticed she had a large 3 ring binder. She kept important documents of places of various community services and resources such as skilled nursing facilities, hospice companies and even ancillary services, funeral homes, AA meeting places and additional services she had to search for.
I started to research online if any company had a compressive library of all the needed resources that my wife had collected in her twenty plus years of being a Social Worker. I could not find a place that had all of what she needed in just one place with little effort to obtain and retain the patient’s needs.
That is when The Community Initiative was born.
I was fortunate to partner with a highly talented healthcare leader living in California and a world class data analyst in southern Utah. Together we formed a partnership which helped create a concise collection of resources and materials for all Social Workers and Case Managers to review, obtain, and retain to help ease the patient’s discharge and next step treatments. This first of its kind and proprietary software is called CaseEZ.
This is just the beginning and phase one of what The Community Initiative has planned. In addition, we will also be working on real-time placement software, an intake notes platform, and an easy way to update State, County or Federal government forms.
For more information, please contact us at
What is CaseEZ?
CaseEZ is the proprietary software built by The Community Initiative, LLC (T.C.I.). It has been designed to assist hospital social workers and case managers in the review of a patient's discharge and placement needs. The CaseEZ software is a first of its kind in its ability to review over 50 services for both local and national discharge needs. Furthermore, it will store the data for future review, it has a print summary feature to provide to the patient or their family. CaseEZ, can review the needs for minors in the same household as the patient. It also has a large customizable PDF repository for the storage of your favorite documents either for your internal reference or to share with a patient.
This is only the first step of what T.C.I. leadership has planned for CaseEZ. The future of this software is limitless. Stay tuned for all that future has to hold. For more pricing or information please email us at
I was fortunate to partner with a highly talented healthcare leader living in California and a world class data analyst in southern Utah. Together we formed a partnership which helped create a concise collection of resources and materials for all Social Workers and Case Managers to review, obtain, and retain to help ease the patient’s discharge and next step treatments. This first of its kind and proprietary software is called CaseEZ.
This is just the beginning and phase one of what The Community Initiative has planned. In addition, we will also be working on real-time placement software, an intake notes platform, and an easy way to update State, County or Federal government forms.
For more information, please contact us at
CaseEZ - Family Screening
One of the key differences in what makes CazeEZ the stand-alone platform for Hospital Case Management and Social Workers is the ability the system has to, not only help the patient with all their post hospital needs, but also the direct family of the patient.
Direct family is defined as those living in the same household and would be counted on the patient’s state or federal income tax forms.
After you have entered all the patient’s information into CaseEZ. The system will review and determine if due to household size and income if there are other possible benefits. At this point you will see an additional hyperlink appear on the screen called, “Family referral”. Upon clicking on this link, it will save the main referral and take you to the family referral screen. You can then enter the demographic data for the “direct family” and hit submit. CaseEZ will then pull the resources available for the family member and tie the two referrals together upon hitting the save family referral button at the bottom of the screen. For example: if the patient is a male with children in the home, the patient himself may not be eligible for WIC, but due to children in the home this would pull not only on the main referral but also the family referral. CaseEZ can take the process one step further and help adult male patients look at any ancillary service the children might need such as childcare, eating disorder information, head start programs, LGBTQ+ services, etc..
Become our Partner
The Community Intuitive is actively seeking partners that can assist in the mission of finding the correct solution for each patient that is discharged from the hospital. Such as:
- Home Health
- Skilled Nursing
- Assisted Living
- Hospice
- Many, many more
For partnership opportunities please contact us at